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  1. From: donn@sempco.UUCP (Don Nellesen)
  2. Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
  3. Subject: Roswell Time Table-Long-
  4. Message-ID: <donn.1gen@sempco.UUCP>
  5. Date: 10 Jul 93 21:35:48 GMT
  6. Organization: Sim's Electronic Musicians' Publishing Company
  9.                    --------------------------------------
  11.         The folowing is reposted with permission from the MUFONet BBS
  12.         ****DON****
  13.                    --------------------------------------
  16. Sun 13 Sep 92 10:36
  17. By: John Powell
  18. To: All
  19. Re: Roswell Timeline
  21. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [I have changed slightly the columnar and date formats of what appears
  23. below so that it will fit better into an 80-character wide format.  All
  24. following material is from: _The Roswell Report: A Historical
  25. Perspective_, George M. Eberhart editor, 1991 the J. Allen Hynek Center
  26. for UFO Studies. ISBN 0-929343-59-X.
  27. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  28.                         TIMELINE OF THE ROSWELL EVENT
  30. Note: Bracketed [] entries are those for which we have only indirect
  31. evidence or for which a time slot could not be definately established.
  32. This chart is a revised version of the one that appeared in _UFO Crash
  33. at Roswell_.
  36. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. Date/Time |       Events at Roswell, N.M.        |     Events elsewhere
  38. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  39. Tue. 7/1  |                                      |
  40. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  41.           |                                      |Sherman Campbell discovers
  42.           |                                      | weather balloon debris
  43.           |                                      | near Circleville, OH.
  44. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  45. Wed. 7/2  |                                      |
  46. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  47. Night     | 9:50pm. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wilmot report |
  48.           | oval-shaped UFO moving NW, toward the|
  49.           | crash site.  William Woody and his   |
  50.           | father also observe a bright, arching|
  51.           | light with a red contrail as they are|
  52.           | driving NW of Roswell.               |
  53.           | Mac Brazel and others hear loud      |
  54.           | explosion.                           |
  55. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  56. Thu. 7/3  |                                      |
  57. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  58. Mid-      | Mac Brazel, accompanied by 7-year-old|
  59. morning   | D. Proctor, discovers a large amount |
  60.           | of light-weight, metallic debris on a|
  61.           | remote pasture (the debris field).   |
  62.           |                                      |
  63. Late      | Brazel visits his neighbors, the     | Aborted V-2 rocket launch
  64. morning   | Proctors, and shows them some of the | at White Sands Proving
  65.           | material.                            | Grounds, NM.
  66.           |                                      |
  67. Evening   | Brazel removes a large, circular     |
  68.           | piece of debris from the debris field|
  69.           | and stores it in a shed.             |
  70. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  71. Fri. 7/4  |                                      |
  72. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  73.           | Holiday.                             |1:00-2:00pm.  Flying disks
  74.           |                                      | observed at Portland, OR.
  75.           |                                      | 9:12pm. United Air Lines
  76.           |                                      | flight crew watches 9
  77.           |                                      | disks over Emmett, ID.
  78. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  79. Sat. 7/5  |                                      |
  80. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  81.           | Brazel goes to Corona, NM, and tells |
  82.           | some acquaintances about the find.   |
  83.           | On the way back he stops again at the|
  84.           | Proctors.                            |
  85. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  86. Sun. 7/6  |                                      |
  87. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  88. Morning   | Brazel drives to Roswell to visit    | [Army Air Force captain
  89.           | Sheriff Wilcox.                      | sees flying disk near
  90.           |                                      | Fairfield, CA.
  91.           |                                      |
  92. Early     | Brazel and Wilcox call Roswell base  |1:45pm B-25 crew observes
  93. afternoon | and report the find.                 | silvery disk over Clay
  94.           |                                      | Center, KS.
  95.           |                                      |
  96.           | Col. Blanchard, Maj. Marcel, and CIC |
  97.           | Captain Cavitt arrive at Wilcox's    |
  98.           | office to interview Brazel.          |
  99.           |                                      |
  100. Mid-      | [Blanchard returns to the base with  | [General Ramey alerts the
  101. afternoon | a portion of Brazel's debris and     | Pentagon about the find.
  102.           | alerts General Ramey in Fort Worth   |The Pentagon orders debris
  103.           | about the find.]                     | sent to Fort Worth.]
  104.           |                                      |
  105. Late      | Marcel and Cavitt accompany Brazel   |
  106. afternoon | back to his ranch to go to the debris|
  107.           | field.                               |
  108.           | The two deputies return to Sheriff   |
  109.           | Wilcox, having found an area of      |
  110.           | blackened ground.                    |
  111.           |                                      |
  112. Evening   | 1st flight out.  Debris flown to     |
  113.           | Fort Worth.                          |
  114.           |                                      |
  115. Night     | Marcel and Cavitt stay at Brazel's   | Col. Alan D. Clark flies
  116.           | ranch and examine the large piece    | debris in a B-26 from Ft.
  117.           | stored in the shed.                  | Worth to Washington, DC
  118.           |                                      | for Gen. McMullen.
  119. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  120. Mon. 7/7  |                                      |
  121. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  122. Early     | Brazel takes Marcel and Cavitt to    |
  123. morning   | debris field.                        |
  124.           |                                      |
  125. Daytime   |                                      | 11:45am.  Koshkonong, WI,
  126.           |                                      | flying disk sighting.
  127.           | [General Twining makes an unannounced|2:30pm.East Troy,WI. case.
  128.           | visit to Kirtland Air Field, near    |9:00pm.WilliamRhodes takes
  129.           | Albuquerque.]                        |photograph of flying disk
  130.           |                                      | over Phoenix, AZ.
  131.           |                                      |
  132. Late      | Marcel and Cavitt leave for the      | [Debris from Washington
  133. evening   | Roswell base after loading their     | is sent to Wright Field,
  134.           | vehicles with debris.                | near Dayton, OH.]
  135. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  136. Tue. 7/8  |                                      |
  137. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  138. Very early| Marcel stops at his home (2:00am) and|
  139. morning   | shows some of the debris to his wife |
  140.           | and son before proceeding on to the  |
  141.           | base.                                |
  142.           |                                      |
  143. Early     | Blanchard orders Maj. Easley to post |
  144. morning   | guards on the access roads to the    |
  145.           | debris field.                        |
  146.           | [7:30am] Staff meeting held by       |
  147.           | Roswell base officers to discuss     |
  148.           | debris.                              |
  149.           |                                      |
  150. Mid-      | 9:00am Cavitt and his assistant M/Sgt|
  151. afternoon | Rickett obtain a staff car and drive |9:30-11:50amSeries of disk
  152.           | to Brazel's ranch to pick him up and | sightings by pilots and
  153.           | return to the debris field.          |officers at Muroc Air Base
  154.           | Troops arrive at debris field to     | CA.
  155.           | begin recovery.                      |
  156.           | [11:00am] Blanchard dictates a press |
  157.           | release on the recovery of a flying  |
  158.           | disk to PIO Walter Haut.             |
  159.           |                                      |
  160. Mid-day   | Haut goes into town to deliver his   |
  161.           | press release to the radio stations  |
  162.           | and newspapers.  His first stop is at|
  163.           | station KGFL, where he gives the     |
  164.           | release to Frank Joyce.              |
  165.           | Noon.  The information is put on the |
  166.           | AP wire.                             |
  167.           | 1st flight in arrives from Washington|
  168.           | DC, carrying a special team of photo-|
  169.           | graphers and W/O Robert Thomas.      |
  170.           | William Woody and his father, still  |
  171.           | curious about their sighting, drive  |
  172.           | toward Corona.  They are turned away |
  173.           | by MPs posted on outlying roads.     |
  174.           |                                      |
  175. Early     | News of the recovery spreads as the  |
  176. afternoon | story hits the wire services.  Phone |
  177.           | lines at the base, at the sheriff's  |
  178.           | office, and at newspaper and radio   |
  179.           | news offices are tied up.            |
  180.           | Sheriff Wilcox sends two more        |
  181.           | deputies to the debris field; they   |
  182.           | are turned back by MPs.              |
  183.           | Cavitt and Rickett return to the     |
  184.           | Roswell base with Brazel.            |
  185.           |                                      |
  186. Mid-      | Brazel is flown back to the debris   |
  187. afternoon | field from the base; other planes    |
  188.           | from Roswell are similarly recon-    |
  189.           | noitering the area.                  |
  190.           | The impact site is discovered from   |
  191.           | the air; ground troops are directed  |
  192.           | toward it.                           |
  193.           | [Barney Barnett and a group of       |
  194.           | students and archeologists or rock-  |
  195.           | hunters are already at the impact    |
  196.           | site and see debris and bodies; they |
  197.           | are escorted off by the Army.]       |
  198.           | Col. Blanchard "goes on leave" from  |
  199.           | the base, but he actually leaves to  |
  200.           | visit the debris field.              |
  201.           | Material has been brought from the   |
  202.           | debris field and loaded onto a C-54; |
  203.           | this 2nd flight out is flown by Capt.|
  204.           | Pappy Henderson to Wright Field.     | J. Bond Johnson, of the
  205.           | 3rd flight out, a B-29, carries      | Fort Worth Star-Telegram
  206.           | Marcel to Fort Worth Army Air Field. | is told to go to Fort
  207.           | A few wrapped packages [of debris]   | Worth Army Air Field to
  208.           | are also on the plane.               |cover a flying disk story.
  209.           |                                      |
  210. Late      | Clean-up continues at the crash      | Marcel arrives in Fort
  211. afternoon | sites.                               |Worth and confers with Gen
  212.           | Brazel is flown back to the base,    | Ramey; at some point
  213.           | then leaves and is located by Walt   | remnants of a balloon are
  214.           | Whitmore, Sr., of radio station KGFL,| substituted for the real
  215.           | who interviews him about the find.   | debris.
  216.           | Blanchard visits the debris field    |A press conference is held
  217.           | and impact site with his staff.      |in Ramey's office; Johnson
  218.           | A 2nd flight from Washington, DC,    | photographs Marcel and
  219.           | arrives at the base; Rickett gives   | Ramey with the balloon
  220.           | the crew a sealed box filled with    | remnants; W/O Irving
  221.           | debris; the plane returns shortly to | Newton identifies the
  222.           | Washington (4th flight out).         |material as a balloon with
  223.           | The Roswell Daily Record carries     | a radar target device
  224.           | "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer" story. | attached.
  225.           |                                      | Ramey issues a statement
  226.           |                                      | claiming that the Roswell
  227.           |                                      | officers were fooled and
  228.           |                                      |that the material was from
  229.           |                                      | a weather balloon.
  230.           |                                      |
  231. Early     | Sgt. Melvin Brown looks under a tarp |6:17pmMemo from FBI Dallas
  232. evening   | on the back of a truck at the impact | office to SAC regarding
  233.           | site and sees several alien-looking  | weather balloon cover
  234.           | bodies.                              | story.
  235.           | Glenn Dennis, a local mortician, is  | Ramey gives an interview
  236.           | intrigued by several inquiries from  |on FortWorth radio station
  237.           | the base about tissue preservation   | WBAP about the weather
  238.           | and the smallest caskets he has      | balloon cover story.
  239.           | available.                           |
  240.           | Truck carrying the bodies arrives at |
  241.           | the base.                            |
  242.           | A preliminary autopsy is attempted at|
  243.           | the base hospital by pathologist Dr. |
  244.           | Jesse Johnson, Jr.                   |
  245.           | Dennis tries to visit the base       |
  246.           | hospital but is turned away forcibly;|
  247.           | a nurse friend warns him to leave    |
  248.           | before he gets in trouble.           |
  249.           | [8:30pm] Barnett returns home to     |
  250.           | Socorro.                             |
  251.           |                                      |
  252. Night     | Capt. John Martin, Sgt. Brown, and   |
  253.           | other MPs guard a crate containing   |
  254.           | the bodies that has been placed      |
  255.           | inside an empty hangar.              |
  256. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  257. Wed. 7/9  |                                      |
  258. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  259. Early     | Troops continue clean-up at the crash|
  260. morning   | sites.                               |
  261.           | At the base, three C-54's begin to be|
  262.           | loaded with crates filled with debris|
  263.           | (8:00am).                            |
  264.           | [Senator Dennis Chavez calls Walt    |
  265.           | Whitmore Sr. to warn him against     |
  266.           | broadcasting an interview with       |
  267.           | Brazel; a representative of the FCC  |
  268.           | threatens to pull his broadcast      |
  269.           | license.]                            |
  270.           |                                      |
  271. Mid-      | Officers from the base locate Brazel |
  272. morning   | (who had stayed with Whitmore) and   |
  273.           | return him to the base for           |
  274.           | questioning.                         |
  275.           |                                      |
  276. Late      | Brazel is taken by the military to   |
  277. morning   | the office of the Roswell Daily      |
  278.           | Record, where he gives a revised,    |
  279.           | sanitized version of the story.      |
  280.           | [A special secret service envoy      |
  281.           | representing President Truman arrives|
  282.           | from Washington (3rd flight in.)]    |
  283.           |                                      |
  284. Noon      | The crate with bodies is moved from  |
  285.           | the hangar to Bomb Pit Number One.   |
  286.           | [Floyd Proctor, Lyman Strickland,    |
  287.           | and others observe Brazel in town    |
  288.           | escorted by soldiers.]               |
  289.           |                                      |
  290. Early     | Officers from the base visit         | General Schulgen requests
  291. afternoon | newspaper and radio offices in town  |FBI cooperation in solving
  292.           | and recover all copies of Haut's     | the flying disk problem.
  293.           | original press release.              | The War Department tells
  294.           | Brazel is taken to radio station     | the FBI that the disks
  295.           | KGFL, where he gives a revised       | do not belong to the
  296.           | version of his story.                | Army or Navy.
  297.           |                                      |
  298. Late      | Three fully loaded C-54's (5th-7th   |
  299. afternoon | Flights out) carry debris to Los     |
  300.           | Alamos, NM, via Kirtland Field.      |
  301.           | 4:00pm.  The crate from Bomb Pit     |
  302.           | Number One is transferred to a B-29  |
  303.           | and flown (8th Flight out) to Fort   |
  304.           | Worth.                               | 5:00pm. Ball of light
  305.           | The Roswell Daily Record carries a   | deposits odd metal on
  306.           | sanitized version of Barzel's story. | ground near Midland, MI.
  307.           |                                      |
  308. Early     |                                      | 6:00pm. Officers and a
  309. evening   |                                      | mortician in Fort Worth
  310.           |                                      | meet the incoming B-29
  311.           |                                      | from Roswell; the flight
  312.           |                                      | crew returns to Roswell
  313.           |                                      | with Marcel.
  314.           |                                      |
  315. Late      | 8:00pm. Marcel arrives back in       | 11:30pm.  Constable in
  316. evening   | Roswell (4th Flight in).             |Grand Falls, Newfoundland
  317.           |                                      | observes 4 flying disks.
  318. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  319. Thu. 7/10 |                                      |
  320. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  321.           | Clean-up continues at the crash      |A flight from Wright Field
  322.           | sites.                               | arrives in Fort Worth and
  323.           | Brazel continues to be interrogated  | returns to Wright Field
  324.           | and held at a guest house on the     | with more debris and a
  325.           | base.                                | large, metallic container
  326.           | [Remaining debris confiscated from   | on board.]
  327.           | Sheriff Wilcox by military           | FBI memo, Fitch to Ladd.
  328.           | personnel.]                          | Aborted V-2 launch at
  329.           |                                      | White Sands.
  330.           |                                      |[General Twining stops at
  331.           |                                      |White Sands before return-
  332.           |                                      | ing to Wright Field.]
  333.           |                                      | President Truman derides
  334.           |                                      | flying disk stories.
  335.           |                                      |4:00pm.TWA representative
  336.           |                                      |sees flying disk at Harmon
  337.           |                                      | Field, Newfoundland.
  338. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  339. Fri. 7/11 |                                      |
  340. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  341.           | MPs and others involved in the       |
  342.           | retreival are debriefed and told to  |
  343.           | forget that it happened.             |
  344. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  345. Sat. 7/12 |                                      |
  346. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  347.           | Bill Brazel Jr. returns to his       |6:30pm.Flying disk follows
  348.           | father's ranch; no evidence of a     |a C-47 at Elmendorf Field,
  349.           | military presence remains.           | Alaska.
  350. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  351. Late July |                                      |
  352. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  353.           | July 15 - Mac Brazel returns to his  |
  354.           | ranch from the Roswell base after his| 7/20- Silver-white disk
  355.           | interrogation.                       | moving at great speed
  356.           |                                      | reported near Cumberland,
  357.           |                                      | MD.
  358.           |                                      | 7/26- National Security
  359.           |                                      | Act passes, which
  360.           |                                      |coordinates the Army, Navy
  361.           |                                      |and AirForce into a single
  362.           |                                      | national military
  363.           |                                      | establishment under the
  364.           |                                      | Secretary of Defense. The
  365.           |                                      | Army Air Force becomes
  366.           |                                      | the U.S. Air Force.
  367.           |                                      | 7/30- The first Air Force
  368.           |                                      | "estimate" of the nature
  369.           |                                      | of the flying disks is
  370.           |                                      | drafted by Gen.  Schulgen
  371.           |                                      | staff.
  372. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  373. August '47|                                      |
  374. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  375.           | Mac Brazel and Tommy Tyree spot a    | 8/19- FBI memo, Fitch to
  376.           | piece of debris in a sinkhole near   | Ladd.
  377.           | the debris field.                    |
  378. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  379. Sept. '47 |                                      |
  380. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  381.           | Prof. Lincoln LaPaz, secretly charged| 9/5- Gen.  Schulgen tells
  382.           | with reconstructing the object's     | the FBI that the disks do
  383.           | trajectory, arrives from Washington  | not belong to the Air
  384.           | and rediscovers the area of black-   | Force.
  385.           | ened ground with Rickett.            | 9/23- Gen.  Twining calls
  386.           |                                      | for an official invest-
  387.           |                                      | igation of the flying
  388.           |                                      | disks.
  389.           |                                      | 9/24- Alleged memo from
  390.           |                                      | Truman to Forrestal,
  391.           |                                      | establishing Operation
  392.           |                                      |Majestic Twelve.  Vannevar
  393.           |                                      | Bush meets with Truman.
  394.           |                                      | 9/25- FBI memo, Ladd to
  395.           |                                      | Hoover, advising that FBI
  396.           |                                      | discontinue flying disk
  397.           |                                      | investigations.
  398.           |                                      | 9/26- Sidney Souers named
  399.           |                                      | head of new National
  400.           |                                      | Security Council, which
  401.           |                                      | holds its first meeting.
  402. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  403. Oct. '47  |                                      |
  404. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  405.           |                                      | 10/1- Truman letter to
  406.           |                                      | Vannevar Bush, the sig-
  407.           |                                      | nature of which matches
  408.           |                                      | the MJ-12 memo of 9/24.
  409.           |                                      | 10/28- Schulgen issues a
  410.           |                                      | draft collection memo-
  411.           |                                      | randum that outlines the
  412.           |                                      | essential elements of
  413.           |                                      | information required to
  414.           |                                      | analyze flying disk
  415.           |                                      | reports.
  416. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  417. Sep. '48  |                                      |
  418. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  419.           | LaPaz tells Rickett that he is still |
  420.           | convinced the Roswell debris was an  |
  421.           | unoccupied probe from another world. |
  422. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  423. Summer '49|                                      |
  424. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  425.           | The gouge is still visible at the    |
  426.           | debris field.                        |
  427.           | Mac Brazel, having found various     |
  428.           | scraps of debris for the past two    |
  429.           | years, mentions in Corona that he    |
  430.           | still has the material.  The next day|
  431.           | a Capt. Armstrong and three others   |
  432.           | from the base confiscate the pieces. |
  433. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  434.   1978    |                                      |
  435. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  436.           |                                      | Pappy Henderson confides
  437.           |                                      | to a close friend that he
  438.           |                                      | had flown wreckage from
  439.           |                                      |a crashed saucer to Wright
  440.           |                                      | Field; he still has a
  441.           |                                      | fragment of the debris.
  442.           |                                      | Marcel, located by
  443.           |                                      | researcher Stan Friedman,
  444.           |                                      |says he is sure the debris
  445.           |                                      | was nothing from earth.
  446. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  447.   1980    |                                      |
  448. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  449.           |                                      | In Search Of interviews
  450.           |                                      | Marcel, who says he is
  451.           |                                      | sure the Roswell debris
  452.           |                                      | was nothing from earth.
  453.           |                                      Charles Berlitz and William
  454.           |                                      | L. Moore publish their
  455.           |                                      | report on the case, The
  456.           |                                      | Roswell Incident.
  457. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  458.   1982    |                                      |
  459. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  460.           |                                      | Pappy Henderson tells his
  461.           |                                      |wife Sappho about his role
  462.           |                                      | in the recovery.
  463. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  464.   1988    |                                      |
  465. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  466.           | Oct.- An Air Force pickup truck is   |
  467.           | seen on the Foster Ranch; the driver |
  468.           | asks ranch hand Jim Parker if the    |
  469.           | Roswell crash site is nearby.        |
  470. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  471.   1989    |                                      |
  472. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  473.           | Sept. 15-19 The Center for UFO       |
  474.           | Studies conducts an expedition to    |
  475.           | the debris field.                    |
  476. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  477.   1991    |                                      |
  478. ----------|--------------------------------------|-------------------
  479.           |                                      | Donald Schmitt's account
  480.           |                                      | of the case, UFO Crash
  481.           |                                      | at Roswell, is published
  482.           |                                      | by Avon Books.
  483. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  485.  * Origin: CRYSTAL CAVE DAS MAGICAL TREFFPUNKT 719-391-1092
  487. ***********Internet:sempco!donn@wupost.wustl.edu(Don Nellesen)************
  488. *     UUCP:wupost.wustl.edu!sempco!donn     |      __     __       *     *
  489. *-------------------------------------------|      \ \   / /   *         *
  490. *      C=AMIGA:Every little bit counts!     |   *   \_\ /_/       _ *    *
  491. *  The oppinions expressed are my right to  |                   _---_  * *
  492. *    have; as is your right to disagree.    |          "       -__O__-   *
  493. *   A Mind Is A Terible Thing To Chaste!    | *   *    -       _/ = \_   *
  494. *------------------------------------------------------------------------*
  495. *        Some Know...Some Don't Want To...and Some Don't Want You to!    *